I always forget that World of Warcraft undergoes maintenance on Tuesday afternoons.
Then I panick because I forget how to socialize outside of the game, and I can't wash or feed myself properly.
I'm taking a lot of shit from people on this one. I liked it more when people made fun of me for playing games in general.
I told Turpin that today was technically good for calling me, possibly.
Then I was reminded that it was Tuesday.
So I wrote back and told her it would be a good day to call.
During the afternoon.
She's gonna be so mad when she reads this, guys!
Act like we weren't talking about her.
That's what everyone does whenever Turpin enters a room anyway.
That's enough about her.
Back on me.
Since Warcraft was down, I did the most logical thing I could think of to pass the time:
I looked at all 312 pictures of myself on facefuck.
I've determined the most attractive picture of me that exists.
It might be on the blog somewhere already.
But for those of you who pine over me at night, all alone in your beds, here it is again:

I really don't look very good without clothes.
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