Or, as I like to call you, Steve.
Sorry I'm late.
Against all of my whining and protesting, I've been busy.
My first substitute day was Thursday.
I was in for the French teacher.
Friday I was in for a grade four teacher.
Now, if you're wondering what subtle differences there are between teaching grade fours and people in puberty, allow me:
-though incoherent, junior high kids never tell stories that go nowhere.
Several times I nodded and "Oh really!'d" through anecdotes that made no sense.
-if elementary kids want something, they just...walk up to you.
And ask for it.
Before you know it you'll have a circle of them just...around you.
Looking at you.
And they constantly rush up to you to interrupt one another.
Kid One: "I don't have my math book."
Me: "This is Language Arts."
Me: "This is Language Arts."
Kid One: "Yeah, but"-
Kid Two: -"My nose is bleedin'!"
-junior high kids won't call you down to their desks having farted immediately beforehand.
Whatever affords me the currency to replace my 360.
Bring it on.
Anyway, I figured I'd touch base with everyone.
But I'm feeling rather Sunday this morning.
So I'm going to phone it in with some random garbage from that book I try to impress women with.
The only part of Equestrian riding that's truly impressive is convincing a 1000-pound animal to run around a little track for you.
We are all varying accumulations of drier lint.
Convocation is just a church service with smarter people.
My new method for choosing a wife:
The day I start dating a girl I buy a new, large box of Q-tips.
If she's still around by the time I use the last one, I propose to her.
If you're deaf and you're wearing mittens, how do you communicate?
Now that my friends have stopped watching wrestling,
I believe that we should start gassing audiences.
And the wrestlers, for that matter.
You can tell a business doesn't take itself seriously when they answer their phone with:
Tomorrow I teach grade 5s.
How to have a nervous breakdown, probably.
You should see Steve's family photo for Christmas.
So adorable you could throw rocks at them.

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