Who is your Sofia Loren?
I know mine.
She is the one and only celebrity crush for me.
Apart from all of the other celebrity crushes I have.
She's the one!
If she has a sister, I don't care.
Larry David has listed Sofia Loren a number of times in his television show.
As a masturbation source for him.
He never dwells on it for very long, but you can tell that she's the be-all.
So who is the one for you?
Do you go for the girl-next-door, understated blondness of Gwenyth Pawltrow?
"Gwen and I would have four babies together, each one named after an ingredient in her favourite fruit smoothie."
Or the urban, street cred allure of Halle Barrie?
Or the seasoned dignity of Dame Judi Dench?
Judi Dench would be like selecting the most reliable set of winter tires on the market.
Personally, I go with the "Are you in line?" charm of the woman standing behind you in Mr. Sub.
Lauren Graham is my Sofia Loren.
If I met her in person I would have to tell her that I thought she was the most beautiful woman in Hollywood.
Not because I believe that she would necessarily want to hear this from me.
A gappy, praying mantis sort of man who has somehow found his way into her bathtub.
I wouldn't tell her to ellicit any sort of response from her, necessarily.
I would tell her because I would have to tell her.
That's why she's the one.
Can we generate a discussion here, fans?
You leeches never give me any feedback.
Here's an exception:
Who's your Sofia Loren?
Bonus points if it turns out to be me.

1 comment:
Most celebrities suck and are over produced just like most of their movies. Saying that though, I do or did enjoy Zooey Deschanel.
I'll be home in a few weeks dude and hope to see you soon after that. We gotts hit up some Ernie's.
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