Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I haven't given up on this book idea.
Primarily because harbouring this book notion might increase my potential for sex.
Literary sorts are real prostitutes in the bedroom.
(Everyone knows that).
Anyway, I haven't given up on the idea.
I've just given up on the idea I originally had.
Therefore, I'll tell you about it.
So that some other person can take my (quasi-)idea, and write their own book.
They call that 'paying it forward'.
Haley Joel Osmond invented it.
Besides, if I tell you about this non-book, it's as though I did something with it.
I probably mentioned it before. Did I mention it before?
It's probably been done several times.
I wanted to write a book about the experience of retail through interviews with retail employees.
The intention was to elucidate what it is truly like to work in retail.
Benifiting those within retail because they get to tell their story.
And those outside of retail because they would (ideally) learn that they're all assholes.
The customer has never been right.
I wanted to break down barriers.
I wrote some notes on the process of writing the book.
They're not entirely embarrassing, so I may put them up here eventually.

I have a better topic for a book idea now:

1 comment:

Kirk, Miranda & Bear said...

You should've written Fifty Shades of Grey'; if that lady were a dude, she'd be gettin' all the sex - coulda been you man, coulda been you.

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