I've decided to become a professional contestant.
That is, a pro contest signer-upper.
The job isn't particularly complicated.
Sure, there's a skill-testing question from time to time.
But I just answer those with a calculator.
The main facets of the job are living in poverty and going on lavish vacations.
I've finally had a successful person to retweet me*.
Twitter annoys me as much as Facefuck does.
Twitter is worse, in a sense.
You can't even look at pictures of ladies at the beach on Twitter (can you?).
The reason why Twitter will eventually come out on top?
Well, for one thing, Facefuck keeps updating the website into something no one would like.
But, more to the social media point, Twitter lets you address famous people (supposedly).
If I want to tweet at Bill Murray and tell him to put some pants on, I can go ahead and do that.
It's a familiarity with the unfamiliar not seen since the Star Map.
Incidentally, I've finally figured Twitter out.
I'm going to ask a celebrity of my choosing the question I have always wanted to ask them.
And I'm going to try to do that anew every day (this won't happen, but maybe we can at least make a go of it).
Until then, I'll practice on less-than-famous people.
First target:
Chuck klosterman.
Those of you who are arts majors over 25, you likely know who this is.
Otherwise, he should be drawing a vacuous blank.
However, I intend to fix that.
A journalist of sorts, he writes essays that I really enjoy reading.
Primarily, they entail touring with Guns 'N Roses cover bands and visiting Val Kilmer at his ranch.
He has managed to establish himself as an authority on sports, rock, and general fame (imagined and otherwise).
This makes him more than some four-eyed journalist dweeb, dodging bullets in Syria.
It makes him a cool four-eyed journalist dweeb, and so he's welcome here.
I've been threatening to write more letters to whom it may concern.
Once more, I'm threatening to write letters, I'm not writing threatening letters.
And ANOTHER thing, Dakota, I know where your live and I know what your cat looks like!
Andie suggested I write him because "that's how he started out."
He'd write celebrities and ask to interview them.
I suppose he and I would agree that he's not a celebrity.
But he's made eye contact with Bono, and that's not bad.
We'll try to get him on the blog. I'll keep you updated.
(I'm serious. Also, if he agrees to an interview, whether you know him or not, it'll be really impressive that he's willing to go along with it).
He's likely a great guy.
At the very least, maybe I can get him to retweet me.
*I can't embed the tweet properly because I'm inept.
I was replied to by Klei Entertainment.
1 comment:
Reminds me of the movie Roads To Riches.
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