Sunday, November 3, 2013

It Is What It Ain't

Que Sera, Sera.

In bed, comparing proportions:
Me: Your hands aren't that impressive. My fingers are bigger than yours.
She: Yeah, you've got piano hands.
Me: Then why was I so shitty at piano as a kid?
She: You probably don't have piano wrists.
And I didn't practice.

It is what it is, these days.
In the vain of "Whadya gonna do?" And, "M'eh, fuck it," this new expression has caught on as an all-encompassing dismissal for mailmen and crab fishermen alike.
As with most trends, I'm for and ag'in it.
Philosophically, is truly is what it is.
It couldn't be otherwise.
If a bridge collapses on you while driving to work, well, what else can your funeral buddies say about it?
It's a phrase borne of apathy and rationality alike.
Things must play out as they do, and history will repeat itself.
Politicians are corrupt, sadly. But politicians will be as they have been.
Purse snatchings will happen.
Concerts will sell out just as you reach the ticket wicket.
Countries with the strongest economies will win more golds at The Olympics.
Ultimately, it is better to accept things as they have come to be, and move on.
It's a softening of what is hard, these facts of life.
Let's just roll with it.
Truly, I think it's one of the more sensible doctrines that society has chewed upon for a while.
Although, it does hang in the air somewhat.
Only shitty things, as it turns out, are.
No one would claim something positive to be what it is.
It's not like you go on a flight, and while touching down the guy beside you celebrates the safe landing by unbuckling his seatbelt, standing hunched beneath his overhead compartment, bellowing, "It is what it is, guys!
It only 'is' when coping.
When resolving to endure.
Simply, when things are bad.
And things shouldn't just be when  they're bad.
The expression, then, deviates from this beautiful concept of accepting the nature of things to something more bleak.
"It is what it is. Deal with it."
It's an acceptance of things being shitty before entertaining other possibilities.
It's the easy way out.
The philosophical tone of this uttering, which I've always liked most about it, ultimately proves to be a veneer.
People aren't really considering the fate of things when they say it.
On the contrary; they're dismissing the fate of things.
Philosophical thought wouldn't abide, "You can't fight what's shitty."
Instead, it would challenge this with the question:
Need it be shitty in the first place?
I'd like to think that the answer is 'no'.
Someone steals your car stereo cause that's how things are.
Your girlfriend's late.
This asshole just cut you off and you can hear your own cursing easily because you no longer have a stereo to drown yourself out with.
I wouldn't say, "It is what it is."
Things aren't too bad just because they're too bad.
Things are too bad because people refuse to be considerate of one another.
Racism. Sexism. Every 'ism' could be wiped clean with the right frame of mind.
So, instead, I would propose that, "It is as it is."
People are this way because they are this way.
But I would never concede that they are this way because they have to be.
Of course, no one will be using the expression in a year's time, so...
Whatever will be will be, I guess.

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