Bear with me, all of you filthy ingrates who were educated elsewhere.
Speaking of which, Spence wrote me back.
I've got this Hurley t-shirt.
It has a hole in the armpit.
All of my best shirts do.
It was a t-shirt that was given to me by one Sarah Hope-Jonston.
Did I spell 'Jonston' wrong? I bet I did.
I helped her mom make a caesar salad, once.
Sarah has recently informed me that she has begun to read my blog.
She used to patiently suggest that I should maybe go to bed at an earlier time while I was in my first year.
I never did.
I'll put in a brief interjection to commemorate other late-night Eaton House people from that year: Ern, Beav, Shane, and anyone else who I may have forgotten because too much time has passed to allow my swiss cheese brain to remember you.
Anyway. I never did.
And despite that, Sarah would always wake me up and make sure I got to class.
And always so delicately, she would wake me.
Once, her roommate Terri came with her to wake me, and she threw open my door and shouted, "Screech! Wake the fuck up!"
It was less pleasant.
Sarah studied things I don't understand.
She visited me in Banff, once.
Well, more than once.
But describing this particular visit will make me seem the sweetest.
I pulled as many hotel strings as I could at the time.
To impress her, you see.
Women are often impressed with how many arangements can be made on their behalf.
This includes breakfasts. And bathrobes.
We went for a walk and I asked an older gentleman to take our picture.
Whenever she's on my arm, she makes me feel like I'm getting away with something.
Afterwards we listened to Sufjan Stevens in her car.
Then I had to take a nap.
This is the picture the geezer took:

I'm truly flattered you have made a post about me on your blog! The trip to Banff did in fact impress me to the max, I think the tour of the kitchen/dishpit was the most enlightening. Or maybe it was the tour of your closet-room??
It makes me especially happy to read about you every day, since I refuse to join Facefuck as you call it and don't plan to anytime soon...
PS- Can I send you a better picture than that one? I look a little on the 'healthy' side.. :)
PPS- I'll try and rack my memory bank of memories of you and Josh- ones witty enough to be added to the blog
PPPS- You spelled my name wrong, but everyone does and I still love yas truly prove how whiny I am about the blog, allow me to point out that I have been reading the blog since it's creation, and only got mentioned yesterday as an apparent result of the previously mentioned whining.
Hope-J? Well, she's right on in there in the first week. And why shouldn't she be, she's lovely and awesome.
Actually, I'm realizing now that all my bitchiness is making me sound quite gay. I'm not though. I have a girlfriend. And I sometimes teach cunnilingus to awkward skinny kids.
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