"You got a shower!"
Hyuk hyuk.
I danced. By myself.
Not just for chicks anymore!
Hawksley Workman can play an instrument for ya.
He just knows how to put on a show.
He's the type of talented that would make you hate him, but he's too nice (or so I'm told).
I went to his show last night in a high school auditorium with deadly acoustics.
I met a lot of new people.
Fortunately, I was very on.
Due to the exhorbinant amount of money that the loan people gave me, I've got a little bit of good news for me and my body.
It's time for another ridiculous tattoo.
Oh, I love these.
So, I'm gonna get a skull, right? But it's on fire. It's like Night Rider, but it's gonna have barbed wire wrapped around it, and underneath it there's gonna be a Chinese symbol that says (translates into) 'skull'. Now, that's gonna be emblazoned over the superman symbol and to one side I'm going to have a rose, and on the other side, paw prints.
I'm going to get it on whichever of my biceps is larger.
I estimate that it's going to cost about $700,000.
Well, that's what I was going to get. But I think Colin and Brian are gonna get that one with me, so I'll wait.
'Til then, I'm going to get a tattoo of Professor Farnsworth while he's wearing the suit in the picture. However, the pose I want is of him while he's strutting, which he does in the episode, while swinging the chain of his pocket watch.
You gotta kinda visualize.
And I'm going to get that on the back of my calf.
Perfectly timed for shorts weather.
I do plan to get a tattoo of Leela in her poodle skirt, as well. On the other calf.
Some day
Everyone will say it's a stupid idea, then everyone will want to see it.
Then when new people come onto the scene, they'll say 'show so-and-so the tattoo' and then the person will see it and say 'cool!' and will then immediately agree that it's stupid.
Cause that's what happens with all of them.
Except the 'writer' tattoo.
That one actually was kinda stupid.
That one actually was kinda stupid.
But deep.

1 comment:
Dude, I was supportive of "writer", I was supportive of the 9-ball rack. I was less supportive of Burnsy, but still at about 50%. Final Fantasy? You're a gamer. It makes sense.
But this dude, this might be over the top. I understand your quirkiness. Perhaps better than most. But lest ye forget, tattoos are permanent. And visual. You know all those people with, like, Tweety Bird and Tazmanian Devil tattoos? You'll be like them, only slightly cooler.
I will always support you for doing stupid stuff...mostly because it's a good laugh for me. But I urge you to think stongly about this one before you jump excitedly into it. Another thing to think about: Loans have to be paid back. Just cause you got a nice sum, doesn't mean you should spend it all on ridiculous body modification.
Oh yeah, and you meant Ghost Rider in your previous tattoo description, not Knight Rider...unless you get a tattoo of Kitt and Hasselhoff...which would be pretty awesome.
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