I just had my first-ever education class.
It kinda sucked.
I didn't really absorb anything.
The word 'assessment' was used a lot.
Sarah Turpin hasn't turned up yet.
I checked off her name on the little sheet.
I'm sure she's got her hand caught in something.
Vending machine, maybe.

You know, I don't mind the unicycle guys.
If you've been groping and fondling me for a long time, you'd assume I'd have qualms with the unicycle guys.
That's not the case, though.
Two reasons:
If you've got the courage and sheer stupidity to bomb Long's Hill on a vehicle with one wheel, you're alright in my book.
I figure that if enough jerkoffs start riding unicycles everywhere, it's only a matter of time before I see someone bail off of one.
And that would definitly turn my day around.
I'd have a good story to go home with after that crosswalk.
What're you people doing?
Who's in a cubicle right now?
Start masturbating.
Bet you'll get away with it.
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