Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Anywhere but Here

It has been getting around today, but in case you haven't seen it, this is great.
Bay Roberts has been officially deemed as shitty as we found it to be in our youth.
Like these people know what they're talking about.
There's no way they have actually been to Bay Roberts.
I'd like to see them follow up on their research.
That way they'd realize that Shearstown or Spaniard's Bay are equally plausible candidates.
At least we have a McDonald's.
If you skim through the article you'll see that Port Alberni, B.C. is also listed.
For anyone else who has fallen for Turpin's succubus-like charm knows:
She once lived in Port Alberni.
I couldn't say.
Let's ask the MoneySense people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The article, if you had read it closely, also includes Bishop’s Cove, North River, Spaniard’s Bay and Upper Island Cove.

Not sure why Shearstown, Clarke's Beach and Butlerville were Spared.

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