Wednesday, October 20, 2010

525, 600 Minutes, 599, 598...

So here is what the doomsayers are saying these days.
Now the world isn't going to end in 2012 all of a sudden.
They think.
They're not sure.
Of anything.
Because they're a group of people who legitimately believe in the idea of a death clock. You don't get to guess and then make a new guess when you realize that your first guess was wrong.
That's like guessing how many jelly beans may be in the jar.
And then saying, "No, wait! I meant the number you just said!"
Meanwhile, they're handing the Furby to some other kid who is better at approximating than you are.
One guess, doomsayers.
You blew it.
Go back to saying that MSG is going to get us all.
Besides, there's only one true death clock for a human: leukemia.
So get out there and live your life, everybody.
That anvil may be dangling just above your head.

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