If I was trying to sleep with dogs instead of women, I'd be a total stud.
If that had been the case growing up, I would have been Peter.
Peter would have been me.
If we grew up in the dog sex world.
Another lifetime, perhaps.
Dogs love me.
Which I'm entirely cool with.
Because I love them, too.
And dogs know that.
They can smell that.
Scientists haven't produced anything that detects smell as well as a German Shepherd.
Who knows what they can smell and what they can't smell?
I met Jennah's dog, Herman, a couple of weeks ago.
Here he is:

The house he was in contained two full-grown bulldogs.
And the three of us were having a grand time.
While Jennah kept mentioning that they were behaving oddly.
The owners of the two gippers came home.
And they kept insisting that their dogs were "Never like this with strangers."
One of them wagged his tail so much that he had to go to the vet.
To get it looked at.
Which made me feel awful.
And also made me wonder if that's why Bulldogs traditionally have their tail removed.
Because they're so jubulent.
Ashleigh Sobol's dogs pulled the same move:

Here's one of them.
The other one looks just like this one.
Neil's Shih Tzu, H, hates my guts.
But even they tell me that she hates my guts less than most.
It's a fun gimmick.
And it's terribly vindicating when it happens.
I always tell dogs my secrets.

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