Missing essentials dawn upon me each day anew as I while away in my desolate cabin. I use the term 'desolate' with a meagre affection, as it is now my one true sanctuary aboard this vessel. In truth, it is not without its merits. To wit, I have running water, a single stand-up shower capable of fitting three grown men simultaneously (upon renewed inspection, I might decrease this number to two). I have a lavatory and the chemical agents needed to maintain it. Further, I have a small, wall-mounted monitor (likely inoperational), a desk of ample width and height, a single cot (with reading lamp), a standing dresser, a fainting plank and a series of chested drawers. The walls, currently bare, resemble the inconsequential colouring of a kitchen's countertop, and my desire to mask this unwelcome decorum has far from lessened as the days pass.
On a related note, I have verified that I must adorn my hovel with a calendar. This I believe will benifit my surroundings two-fold: Primarily, it will allow me to mark off each day, likely in a traditional, large red 'X' fashion, thus advertising, if only for myself, my progression through this period and its foregone conclusion, at which time I will be reunited with my lady true, whom I miss dearly. Despite my sound devotion, I have settled upon the purchase of a nude, or "nudey" calendar, if such a thing may be procured from the town merchant. An item of this description will alleviate my Julianic need, while also acting as pornographic fodder, for which I am in short supply, as noted in a previous entry.
The crew continues to be outwardly wary of my newbord prescence on board, but some well-timed wit and lofty banter will hopefully correct this in time. While it is true that they and I seemingly have little to share by way of conversation topics (they speak, for example, at length regarding various all-terrain vehicles of which I have no knowledge nor interest) I remain vigilant in striking common chords among them all.
Perhaps they share my love for paintball...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
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