By the grace of forces beyond my divination - be they God or merely the port authority - we struck land two days past. I awoke to see our vessel abreast the shore, one of Irving company's tentacle-like contraptions bloating our ship with oil or diesel or what have you. The day went by at an old hound's pace, yet I frequently found myself whistling as my work shift waddled on. The promise of land, of such simple comforts - commerce; soil; an evening stroll - heightened my spirits greatly. Upon my toil's conclusion I prepared to step the gangway and the expanse of St. John beyond. By coincidence, the aforementioned Russian fellow (of my log's previous entry) entreated he join me, so as to assuage the brunt of cab fare. Keen to accomplish this myself, I hastily agreed. Soon we were off.
Upon arrival at the city's known bazaar, I elected to part ways as I tend to enjoy solitude when entering a new or unfamiliar region. So isolated, I took my leave. All of the chincy shops seemed a little less gaudy as I passed one ostentatious awning after another. Few stores truly interested me, yet finding myself amidst this sudden surge of people was a thrill I would not have felt otherwise. Indeed, while dwelling on land, such a collection of wanton stragglers would likely upset my gullet, but now! A queer tranquility was to be found in the numbers. And women! Though I admit that I so heartily miss my lady true that it pains me at night, I believe that even she would understand my unbridled desire to be near strange women; to have them in plain sight. A man at sea is a man deprived, mark this! I would have no one tell me otherwise.
To the point, I found myself in a shop of unfamiliar name, in which stood an employee - a beautiful yellow-haired woman. As she assisted a pack of yabbering children with some footwear, I found myself positively entranced by her appearance, and transfixed by her tight-fitting attire. It took me a moment before realizing that I was staring at the poor girl, and what's more, I desired absolutely no merchandise in this tawdry shop. Further, their ambient music was truly abhorrent.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
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