I'm giving occaisonal instruction and cleaning up all of the remnants of chopped pictures.
Colin really pulled through on this one. He cleaned the stovetop. He exercised far more patience than I'm accustomed to seeing him exhibit.
You know what they say: when it comes to entertaining female guests, brothers stick together.
Is that an expression? It should be.
Anyway, I'm discarding photo portions. Colin is cursing because he has just cut into a staple, thus dulling the blade of the box cutter.
Pressure's mounting.
Time is running down. It is 10ish. She arrives at 10:40.
My logic revolved around cleaning the entire day.
The apartment.
The car.
Then to the shrine. Cutting out the figures.
The pictures.
The candles.
During all of this hectic, sweaty work, I never thought to get a shower. I still have to do that.
Me: Shit! I just remembered something.
Colin: You can't start remembering stuff, her plane is rounding Torbay now.
Which is probably true.
I shower and book it. I have a helium balloon that says "I'm over here" because I believe it will seem cute.
You decide:
I have three helium balloons. One for me.
The other two I plan to take in case there are children in the airport. Kids love helium. Gets them all fucked up and light-headed.
I figure if I see a kid or two in the airport, I can give the balloons to them.
Thus making me look like a fantastically thoughtful person.
I walk into the airport with a few minutes to spare. There are no children.
Pissed, I take the two remaining balloons and leave them in a men's room stall in one of the bathrooms.
Because I only want to be holding one. I'm not a guy at a carnival.
She arrives. By the time she does so, there are kids running around everywhere.
I consider doubling back to the bathroom, but deciding that the whole thing would lose its charm if she entered the airport unable to find me because I'm extricating helium balloons from a men's lavatory.
It would be a poor start.
Appropriate. But poor.
We didn't have the common sense to get a picture together. The thought occured during her departure, but we were too short on time.
I took her to Ches' and Signal Hill.
We ate chicken breast stuffed with brocoli, cheddar, and garlic.
In bed.
And that's all you're getting. Besides these pictures. Ches'.
And the last one is her looking pretty in front of Moo Moo's.

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