Saturday, November 24, 2007

Once I get to Know Him, I'll Like Woody Allen

I've been missing, and I'm sorry.
To sweeten the biterness, choke on these:
Brad Zimmerman. This guy is phenomenal, says I. He has a bit on attending a wine tasting that's far better, but I couldn't find footage of it.
For anyone who cares, he's performing in Caroline's, one of the more classic comedy venues in New York.
No one cares? I was afraid of that...

The best Christopher Walken impression.
And when it's Christopher Walken, that's important.
It's from this film, which is hilarious. You really have to see the film to appreciate this, by the way.
Gilbert Godfreed convinced Americans to laugh again after 9/11 with his rendition of this joke.

Did I ever have a show. Man oh man. Never before have I heard the word, "pussy!" uttered by so many middle-aged gentleman, being immediately followed by..."har har har har har!"
The show was so burnt, I have to use the expression 'man oh man' to describe it.
But I did get paid. I'm going to fill the car's gastank tomorrow.
And I did get fish and chips.
I'll tell you about it tomorrow as soon as coffee with Martin is over, I promise.


Pete said...

That goddamn movie was on this morning.

Amanda said...

Maaaaan, I love Annie Hall. Thank you for reminding me.
Also, after seeing the Aristocrats, I have never been able to watch Full House again.

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