She didn't look that good.
Luckily, Peter Russell was standing next to her to balance her out a little bit.
It's often a matter of lighting with her.
You just need good lighting.
The new mayor's a nice guy.
He tied my shoelaces for me.
Took me until grade three to learn to tie my shoes.
Prior to that, my teachers had to tie my laces each day.
Before the bus left without me.
As though I had something wrong with me as yet undiagnosed.
The day I learned, I called my grade three teacher (at home) to tell her.
Anne Marie Wassername has shown up once more.
And I'm sweaty.
She came back into my life while I was ironing my shirt collar in my underwear.
Seems fitting (almost tastes like a pun, doesn't it?).
My mother was giving me instruction on how to use the iron over the phone, by the way.
It's great to have her around again (Marie; not my mother).
No one makes smoking feel more rewarding.

Which we did yesterday evening.
At Uncle Derek's.
Though I've befouled his hot tub and ogled family portraits of his wife, I've yet to meet this 'Uncle Derek.'
I had to walk to his place today.
It's on Thorburn Road. Not too bad.
However, by this point I had already walked back and forth to MUN.
And we know how lively I am.
As I'm walking I'm thinking to myself, "It'd be awesome if someone stopped and picked me up."
At which time I get a text from Shandera saying:
"Fag walking with his headphones on."
To which I text back:
"Asshole! I need a ride."
Whizzed right past me.
I see him a moment later, driving past in the opposite direction, waving and beeping the horn.
At one point I decided I'd jeopardize myself and hitchhike.
There's a vulnerability to hitchhiking.
Like asking for a light.
Or bumming change.
But I thought I'd try my luck.
Until some prick in a passenger seat gave me the finger.
Kind of took the good out of me.
People always make fun of 'Dildo', but no one mentions 'Cow Head.'
Sure, it's less phalic, but it's as ridiculous a name for a town.
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