Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Styrofoam Plates, Cafeteria Tables"

I was teaching all of last week.
This week I'm holding boards for Dad and carrying skill saws.
I'm not sure which job I enjoy more.
But I know which job is less predictable.
I had a kid interrupt me in a grade five class last Friday.
So that he could say:
"Devon says that I don't have any hairs on my armpits, but I do!"
I broke character.
I couldn't even act like this was a comment I could take in stride.
I was still laughing when I told them what page to turn to in their math books.

That's about all I've got.
I know this has been nearly a two-week absence.
And sure, the armpit story is cute, but still...
Oh! There's this.
I was published in The Compass.
The thought that people were going to see it and read it hadn't really crossed my mind.
I just wanted to get my picture taken.
The whole thing backfired on me when kids started swarming me during lunch duty.
Hugging me with their grubby little fingers.
Asking me to please call their mom sometime.
What a mess.
They asked me to sign their Styrofoam plates.
When a student requests something of you, ask yourself:
"Will this get on my nerves after doing it ten times?"
If the answer is, "yes," tell the kid to shove off.
I signed so many plates.
But, as I have always been an advocate for the children, I tried to write positive messages:
'Don't start fist fights.'
'Buy jewelry. Make friends.'
That sort of thing.
It wasn't until lunch was over that I realized the kids were taking unused plates from the cafeteria.
Because it also wouldn't occur to me to wonder where the kids were finding them.

1 comment:

Steely Man said...

Where is this Compass article you speak of? I want to read it. Gives me a homely feeling.

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