Sunday, January 27, 2008

Grapes of Wrath

Sure it's trivial, but it's still true.
I've never seen a cat's testicles before.
I have no idea what cat testicles look like.
"They just look like the testicles of any animal. They're maybe the size of grapes?"
Imogen has a house with many cats.
Once you collect three cats, I think it's inevitable that your house will produce a smell that FebreZe simply cannot mask.
It's because cats inevitibly go under the knife.
That's why I've never spotted a set.
But not me. Not my cat. If I ever get one.
It's going to be testicled and potent. Neighbors be damned.
I saw a bull's testicles once.
Calgary Stampede, 2005.
First of all, does everyone know why bulls buck around so much when there are cowboys on top of them?
It's not due to the lack of a saddle.
Anyway, I saw this bull, and its testicles. And I honestly, honestly felt frightened.
Like a man happening upon a lion that's mowing into a gazelle, when he was merely looking for the members of his safari group.
Same sorta thing.
The animal was far more powerful and fierce than I. And I knew it.
From its balls.
How immasculated did I feel?
Well, I initially spelled 'bull' with a capital B when I wrote it just now.

1 comment:

Pete said...

I had a cat.. you seen it's balls. I flicked them one day and he got mad... people thought I was mean. I am a feline Steve-o

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