I'd love to tell you all what's what today, but I'm too fatigued.
Turkey. You all know how it is.
I thought I'd make a little post for deceased Canadian punk bands, though.
Because it makes me seem hip.
Here's The Fullblast, which was a group from...Burlington? Wherever.
I saw them play in Banff. I sang onstage with a bunch of other tight-panted fans while they played their closer.
Sorry about the shitty quality of this particular video. I couldn't find anything better.
This is Choke*, a band from Edmonton.
The ass fell out of 'er for them in...2005? Something. They're probably my favourite punk band.
Lemme ask ya something, fanbase: Do you guys actually check out these music links and gear? Do you listen to them? Are you attracted to me, would you say, in a sexual nature?
Just curious...
*'the hardest things to see...' is the best track (second one).

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