Friday, February 29, 2008

Not all Alexisonfire, despite Billy's Talent

Boa Tarde.
I'd love to tell you all what's what today, but I'm too fatigued.
Turkey. You all know how it is.
I thought I'd make a little post for deceased Canadian punk bands, though.
Because it makes me seem hip.
Here's The Fullblast, which was a group from...Burlington? Wherever.
I saw them play in Banff. I sang onstage with a bunch of other tight-panted fans while they played their closer.
Sorry about the shitty quality of this particular video. I couldn't find anything better.
This is Choke*, a band from Edmonton.
The ass fell out of 'er for them in...2005? Something. They're probably my favourite punk band.
Lemme ask ya something, fanbase: Do you guys actually check out these music links and gear? Do you listen to them? Are you attracted to me, would you say, in a sexual nature?
Just curious...

*'the hardest things to see...' is the best track (second one).

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