Sunday, February 10, 2008

Shelf Date

Many people don't realize this about me, but I truly exist on a plane that is seperate from most.
I don't want to say another universe because that's awfully egotistical.
I just don't know what's going on, is all.
"So and so doesn't know that there's a war on."
I'm that so and so.
I do know that there's a war on because there is always a war on.
Not to get political or anything.
I believe that discussing politics is like debating whether or not Jesus would beat Superman in a footrace.
Mere mortals cannot answer the underlying questions.
Anyway, rewind.
I don't know what's what.
Here's proof:
Colin: "Don't you eat all of my meatballs and gravy."
Me: "Why not?"
He: "Cause I bought 'em, and you'll have 'em eaten before I get any."
Me: "Yeah, but if I don't eat 'em, you'll leave them in the cupboard until 2008 sometime. ...Oh, that's now, isn't it?"
I was trying to exaggerate.
I could never lease a car.

"Let me ask ya 'dis: is Jesus wearin' his sandals, or a pair of joggers?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sympathize.

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