Thursday, April 1, 2010

Joke's on Me

Ah, April Fool's.
My favourite pagan holiday.
Next to Lilith Fair.
The only day when you can place saran wrap over someone's toilet bowl.
And they'll end up being 'okay with it.'
I'm actually rather bad at April Fool's.
It's right up there with juggling and showing up on time for things.
I get all excited when I try to fool someone of something.
Which is why I never bang business executives.
Because they ask me if I'm under 18, and I say that I am.
But then I get all giddy and I start giggling uncontrollably.
Ever place a prank call in junior high?
Like that.

I intend to buy a Playstation 3 today.
I chose today because it'll make the anniversary easier to remember.
Actually, I bought my original Playstation on a calendar day as well.
Hallowe'en of whatever year it was.
Dad drove me into St. John's just so that I could get it.
We withdrew all of my money, since interac was beyond our stink province at the time.
And then the Skylark broke down on Prince Phillip Drive.
For any mainland readers, this is easily one of the busiest streets in town.
Dad looked over the car and decided that the alternator was 'gone.'
I didn't care at this point because I already knew this was the first step.
In God's evil plan.
To stop me from getting my Playstation.
So, some man in a cab picked us up and drove us to Canadian Tire.
We returned to the 'Lark and replaced the alternator.
But the car still wouldn't start.
Then dad determined that it was the car's battery.
So, back to Canadian Tire.
Massive Duracel.
Then the car started.
The cab driver didn't charge us anything.
We got his name so that we could thank him somehow.
Later, dad called their office and told them about the guy.
About how he had driven us around town without charging us a dime.
He wanted the driver's address.
So that Dad could send him some crab's legs.
But the office guy told us that that cab driver had been dead for years.
He crashed his Buick Skylark on Prince Philip Drive on Hallowe'en night.
In 1835.
April Fool's!
The cab driver was alive.
He might be dead now, though.
He really did drive us around without charging us.
And I got the PSX and brought it home.
And played Metal Gear Solid.
Another Hallowe'en Miracle!

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