Friday, December 21, 2007

Far From the Tree

And I wonder where the sarcasm comes from...
My mother said this during lunch:
"Everything's regulated to death these days; you can't even beat your children anymore."
I immediately write this down.
My mother asks what I'm writing and I tell her.
Then she says, "Don't tell anyone I said that, they'll think I beat you. I probably should have, but I never."
This is just one day after being back in the house with them.
Who knows how many more gems of widom they'll bestow before New Year's?


Pete said...

Instead of beating you, they just humiliated you at every opportunity, took pictures of it, and then pasted those cartoon, speech-balloon stickers on the pictures as to somehow give the viewer of the picture some kind of fucked up insight into what your humiliated thoughts were... how humiliating.

I could piss on you right now...

imogenlily said...

When I was a kid, and I was doing something dangerous/stupid, my mom would say "Stop that, I don't have time to take you to the emergency room."

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