Saturday, August 22, 2009

"How hot is it?!"

Anne-Marie and I went to The Grumpy Stump last night.
The bar that time forgot.
Then we ate banana pudding in an all-night restaurant.
Our waitress was making eyes at Anne-Marie.
While Anne-Marie was making eyes at me.
As she does. Or will.
We talked about making a marriage pact for 40.
I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'd be on eHarmony long before then.
Plus, I have a marriage pact with Ern at 30.
But I promised her that I'd be game after my subsequent divorce(s).
eHarmony commercials make me uncomfortable.
Because it's like I'm looking at an advert for inevitability.

July was the hottest month the planet has seen since meteorologists bothered writing stuff down.
I went out and bought a bunch of aerosol spray sunscreens and bronzing goos to celebrate.

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