Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Bloom of the Dogberries

There aren't enough scented candles to appease me.
Though you can still swing some by my place if you wish.
Gourmet vanilla, if you're wondering my favourite.
This is, traditionally, my least favourite day of the year.
Last year I celebrated it by not sleeping with any women or donating to any charities.
I feel as though this year will be a repeat.
If you were to ask why I'm so lazy, I couldn't give you a proper answer.
I suppose because I can't muster the energy to come up with one.
Though, if I had to blame anything, it would be the tides.
They're always fucking me up.
So it's the moon's fault, really.

You don't give someone AIDS.
Giving implies that you're bestowing something nice to someone.
Like a scented candle, for example.
You leave someone AIDS.
Which is, generally speaking, something largely unwanted.
Like an old lamp that doesn't work.


imogenlily said...

Do you still have the goddamn strawberryclock?

acadiascreech said...

I thought that this was such an odd question to ask.
"Imogen's back on the lam," I thought.
But it makes sense now. Because the clock doesn't work.
Yes, I still have it.

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