Tuesday, October 30, 2007


While speaking on the phone.
Mom: What's her name again?
Me: Imogen.
Mom: ...How do you spell it?
Me: I-M-O-G-E-N.
Me: What, are you writing this down?
Mom: I find I have a better chance of remembering things when I write them down.
Me: I'm beginning to wonder who I get it from; you or him. I'm starting to think I've been wrong all along.

Bussey: What's her name?
Me: Imogen.
Bussey: How do you spell it?
Me: I-M-O-G-E-N.
Bussey: Where do you think the name comes from?
Me: I dunno. Her dad's Irish.
Bussey: Maybe it's an Irish name, then.

Colin: What is it?
Me: Imogen.
Colin: Sounds like software for a new monitor.

It will take several attempts to explain this name to dad.
He will pronounce it wrong. Perpetually.
He said 'Kurt' instead of 'Kirk' for at least the first three years that we knew one another.

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