Wednesday, October 17, 2007

And That's All You Get

So many released endorphins and no stick and hoop to play with.
No people to bask with.
I've gotten A papers before, sure. But it has been a few years.
There's a man walking around in the library, and I think he may be drunk.
He's middle aged. He's wearing track pants. One of the buttons that fastens that pants together has come undone, exposing a minute portion of his bare thigh.
Where was I?
My parents played with the hoop and the stick, by the way. I know that my father did, at least.
Just like The Little Rascals.
He's sauntering this way.
He seems very aloof.
"I can wield a cleaver," she said with confidence.
I am meeting a new person.
My brother is 31 today.
My family is becoming crow-footed.

Comedy Sunday. It has been a long month.


Turnip said...

The cleaver comment must have been from Imogen.

acadiascreech said...

I am presently touching my nose.

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