Saturday, February 23, 2008


I originally started this post with the statement: "I have a dorsal fin," but decided to cut it out in case people thought I was high while I wrote this.
Then I thought about how I didn't like to exclude it either.
Don't worry; I worked out a contingency.
If garbage men collect the garbage once every two weeks, what do they do on the other days?
Contemplate Nietzsche.
Turpin told me earlier today that orange is universally unflattering.
I disagree.
'Cause I'm wearing orange right now.
And I think I look pretty good.
There's a war on.
Better construct this* in your spare time.
You should also put a crib board in there.
Because in the case of nuclear fallout, you're going to want something to pass the time.
Don't forget the cards!
While your vault-mate warms up the geiger counter, listen to this.

They meditate, too, of course.
The garbage men.

*other useful sites:


trac54 said...

Wait so I just looked like the biggest idiot ever.


Then I remembered that each area has a different Garbage day.

oh wow.

imogenlily said...

Wardrobe malfunction.
What a phrase to be culturally generated.
What does it say about North Americans as people, really?

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