He because he's health concious.
Me because he talked me into it.
And I'm always up for meeting nurses.
According to porno films, they're particularly slutty with their patients.
Shots were done at the Catholic church here.
As he was parking the car Bussey pointed out the interessting combination of science and religion.
We sat with our forms in our pews.
Bussey asked me to pass him a Bible.
Because he needed something to write on.
I understand they're good for decorating hotel rooms, too.
They didn't have any cookies there for us.
It was my understanding there'd be cookies.
We treated ourselves to Mary Brown's afterwards.
"I'm gonna go wash my hands," Bussey said.
"Wash your hands?!" I said. "We just got our swine flu shots.
What are you washing your hands for?"
Now my arm hurts.
But I can finally get back to socializing with pigs.

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