Shapes, sizes.
Questionable blemishes.
Which I believe is a little crass.
If I asked a buddy to describe his girlfriend's genitals, I'd likely get punched in the face.
I wouldn't say that I don't believe in God.
Well, I would say that. And it'd be true.
If I'm wrong, I suppose he can smite me.
Squash me with his foot, like those old Monty Python animations.
That's not to say that I don't believe in higher powers.
Well, I don't, I suppose.
I believe that humans are far too stupid to pretend they have answers to anything.
Even our smartest ones.
That's what I believe.
The New Horizons space probe left Earth in 2006.
It left our atmosphere at the greatest speed of any man-made object.
It won't hit Pluto 'til 2015.
I believe in that.
The space probe.
I worship space probes.
I'm probably investing my time as wisely as any other worshippers out there.
We haven't even figured out where our doorstep ends.
Not to mention the neighborhood.
We should be in awe of what we cannot fathom.
And that should be enough.
Rather than some Dude with a beard that some other dudes with beards invented.

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