Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Like Lambs to the Locker

The only French expression that I ever really got a handle on?
'Je ne sais pas. '
I couldn't count to dix.
But that expression?
By the end of high school I could pronounce it perfectly.
Let's just skip me, teacher, and ask Vince how to say "I need to go to the bank," instead.

Why do people applaud when someone in a large room breaks a dish?
Are we that into catastrophe?
Yes, yes. Someone dropped a mug.
The tilt's still at 23.5*.
Go back to eating your fucking omelette.

Early September leaves MUN clogged and gagging on new students.
Frosh week (or whatever they call it here) is my favourite.
A bunch of terrified people trying to look confident.
Some of them still have their braces on.
I'm sure you'd get the same vibe at the Canadian Idol tryouts (what a handjob).
If you ever happened to stumble into that hotel lobby.

*Would you believe I've comitted the ol' axis to memory?


TheButlerDunnit said...

I don't know that I've ever heard applause for a broken dish (unless its me making fun of family or friend for being an idiot). I also do not know what "the tilt" is. I think I understood the rest.

MUN is wicked this time of year. If it was warmer, I'd go over and do some frosh-gazing to see whats new in shorts this year.

acadiascreech said...

You didn't spend enough time in mealhall.

The Earth's axis, b'y.
It's the slant you're on right now.
Me too.

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