Saturday, October 3, 2009

Some Assembly Required

Sometimes when I walk down Prince Philip.
I'll pass those guys who mow the grass on the median.
And I can't help but think to myself:
"We'll be co-workers soon enough."

I helped my father put a mechanical bed together today.
As all sons do with their fathers eventually.
Dad suggested that I not "go into mechanic work or anything."
Which is a fair suggestion.
But he had little to say once the buttons on the bed weren't working properly.
I'm good with buttons.
Like a monkey.
Which I reminded him of once I got the knee-raising portion of the bed operational.
It's just as well, really.
I never know what to say to mechanics.
"Do you wake up that greasy, or does that accumulate as the day goes on?"
I'm confident that mechanics, like horses, have a certain disdain for me.
I've asked several horses whether or not they like me.
They always stomp twice.

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