Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Up and Chucker

Alright, running out of steam.
But I should talk about this Just For Laughs thing.
There was a showcase at the club.
Because there was a Just For Laughs rep..
Looking for contestants for their Homegrown Contest.
I would provide a link for the contest, but Googling it feels like jinxing it.
Anyway, I mentioned this back when there was more snow.
As it turns out, they chose me to represent St. John's.
Or they just chose me.
I'm not sure which it is.
So now I have to figure out what the hell to wear for that.
Like I don't have enough on my mind.
I'm trying to maintain my tough guy façade.
But it is a little nauseating.
I mean, all of those French people in one place?
And people from 'the industry.'
Which is intimidating simply because they are associated with the term 'the industry.'
I stopped caring, though, when I found out I get an 'artist pass'.
Just like a roadie.
Actually, that's almost more nauseating...

I'm just kidding, French people.
No one knows how to make me look both ways before I cross the street like you guys.

Y'know, if I was doing this for a living, I could claim all of the gross socks I buy on my taxes.
A guy can dream.

edit: can someone who did immersion translate paragraph number two into French for me?
Just to be sure the French get it.

1 comment:

Samways said...

dude, Congratulations on the recent election you just won. When will you be going to Quebec?

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