Saturday, January 26, 2008

Foreign Trade

Since I hope to rejuvenate the blog, I've chosen a new tag line.
Could you please give me feedback on it?
I plan to cycle them every now and then. So Antigone will be back eventually, don't worry about it.
Do you know that Meaghan Whelan still reads this?
I mentioned flirting and drinking with her once.
I ran into her in the liquor store last week.
It was a little stuffy.
Peter and I were buying international beers.
I bought the dark green can. He bought the light green can.
They had the same alcohol content.
We couldn't figure out the difference.
All that German on the can, we didn't have the sense to read the English.
One was a light beer, one a dark.
Guess which I got?
Peter likes dark beer.
But he wouldn't trade.
The stuff tasted like molasses.


Pete said...

You had to drink the dark beer, but I bet you had sex after. Not with me. I'm not affectionate to facial hair.

Pete said...

Btw, I was creeping through some random facebook group and I stumbled on Ralph Morecomb. I then remembered:
"Hey Ralph, What did you get on your test?"
"Cool! So did I"

Cheating off someone as dumb as you never works.

pixiesparkle said...

Ha, although I'm a regular reader, I had missed the post about the pubcrawl. Or I forgot about it. Being mentioned in a blog you read is slightly exhilarating. kinda.


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