Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Are you a budding student? Write this down:
Don't skip multiple consecutive classes in an unfamiliar course.
This might happen:
I walk into my historical archaeology class a few hours ago.
Now, I'm late. This is fine. The professor is often late for this class.
I enter the room.
The following things become immediately apparent:
  • There is an assignment due today, as I see a pileup of them on the professor's desk. As students walk in (also late), they add to this pile.
  • We are to be examining artifacts, as there are wee plastic cases containing various clay and stone ceramics.
  • This class is an important one. Though I am, at this point, unsure of why.

I act natural.
There are these aforementioned plastic cases in front of each seat.
People are studying little chips of material, or sherds, if you will, closely and meticulously.
People are jotting things down.
People are taking pictures of clay pipe bowls with digital cameras.
People are examining worn coins with the assistance of some sort of magnifying tool, and a UV light.
Everyone is very quiet.
I have no idea what is going on.
I am sweating.
I pick up the sherds of gear in front of me and start writing random tidbits.
"Smooth. Porous. Shitty-looking quality."
My head is reeling: is this an exam of some sort? Am I allowed to look at my notes? Should I have brought a camera of my own?
People speak in quiet murmurs.
I'm trying to read what the person sitting next to me is writing.
It was terrifying.
Even now I don't know what just happened.
Read your syllabi, people.
Write that down, too.

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