Monday, April 21, 2008


I think I'm going to take the bus today.
And get a cup of coffee.

Jane used to always say that I was reacting or saying certain things simply because I wanted to be like Larry David.
Which was true.
But there are some occasional neuroses of his that I believe I harbour as well.
Bussey let me borrow a coffee table book.
And I've been reading.
How about this one:
John Debellis (SNL and Late Show former writer): "One day Larry calls me up-this is in L.A.-and he says, 'John, I'm in love with the popcorn girl. What should I do? Should I write her a letter?'"

Last night, myself and Shandera saw Grady, a trio that came here from South Austin, Texas.
Yes, the singer is 'that guy from Big Sugar.'
A very buxom waitress served us Indias.
The band was fantastic. I'm still picking grit out of my teeth.
Lame? Is that a lame analogy? I guess it is.
But my ears are still ringing.
I need ear plugs.
I tried to buy them at Canadian Tire before the Gaping Lotus Experience show, but I didn't find the type I wanted to find.
It took forever. The aisle guys sent me to the car guys who sent me to the aisle guys.
I'll tell you something about that India, too.
Artsy crowd, cover your ears.
I don't like it that much. It's better than a bottle of Canadian, to be sure.
But if you want down home, you could just buy Blue Star.
It tastes better, and it's communicating the same message.
Whatever that may be.
I don't know what the artsy crowd is thinking.
They won't let me in.
Which is fine with me.
I just want to date their girls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

India doesn't impress me much.

I've only started drinking it since getting back to NL, and to be honest I think I'd pick a Kokanee first. Blasphemy?

Also, I stopped checking out live music quite a while ago, for the same issue: I need earplugs and I'm too lazy to find decent ones.

Having played quite a few shows with various bands in Sville and then of course with the ancient Underground Chaos, I have noticed that my ears aren't as good as perhaps they could be.

The other main reason I usually don't check out live music: jealousy.

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