Monday, May 25, 2009

PETE (Paul for the Ethical Treatment of Electronics)

PETA stands People for the Ethical Treament of Animals.
Somone should tell the people who stand for PETA (or PFTETOA)
that we need to figure out humans first.

Paintball was deadly.
Thanks for asking.
I was still picking brambles out of my hair yesterday.
Pete shot Roland Dawe* more times than the video told him he was supposed to shoot Roland Dawe.

My Xbox 360 is in traction right now.
We're not sure if it's going to pull through.
In lieu of my agony, I've resolved to finally make a video game blog.
Like my eventual marriage to Lacey Chabert, it's still in the planning phase.
I'll let you know when it's up so that you can not read it.
Which is fine.
I'm sure that reading this blog is taxing enough.

Anyway, sacrifice a first-born for my 360's sake.
I've been doing so each day since it took sick.
While listening to this song.
Those first-borns sure can wriggle, can't they?

*Junior High Principal.

1 comment:

Pete said...

I just wish I was closer so that it would hurt more....

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