Monday, May 11, 2009

Queezy Prodigee

Morning everybody.
Did you all hug your mothers yesterday?
Cause I hugged your mothers.

Classes officially start today.
I'm skipping one right now, in fact.
I'm going to my eleven, though.
Because I'm in love with the professor.
Husband and children be damned.
They're in figuring skating.
I'm back to doing things, so I'm actually legitimately tired this morning.
Because that's what doing things does to me.
On that, I'm considering persuing a career in stand-up comedy.
Effectively shunning myself from my family.
(Speaking of mothers).
The April issue of The Downhome(r) says I'm an up-and-comer.
Though they never bothered telling me.
I still haven't seen the article.
Does anyone have that issue?
Besides my parents' friends?
This person kinda did it to me.
I have my first paying gig at Yuk's in June.
Lynzie from Ontario called to tell me about it.
She spells her name wrong.
I'd show you the invoice, but it's against the law.
This isn't the reason I'm thinking of doing it.
It's because all of the professionals who come by just assume that I am.

I'm digging this song a great deal lately.
Rock Band has some use after all.
When you're stoned.
Same deal with Gak.
And I'm putting up this video that Shandera showed me.
If you watch anything, watch this.

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