Sunday, June 7, 2009

Erning My Stripes

There was once a Warford brother party.
Or menage, if you will.
Underage and underfunded, I pored over my father's liquor cabinet.
Trying to figure out what to use to pitch myself down over the family stairs.
To Brian I called, "What about Gin?"
And he hollared, towell around him, "She's a cruel mistress."
It sort of became a catch phrase after that.
I drank gin last night.
With some comics and a bunch of maids from New Brunswick.
I'll spare you all of the details, but I did end up at Karaokee Kops.
'Nuff said.
I almost slept with Ern.
But she wouldn't stop talking.
I almost had sex with her, too.
Well, I didn't really.
I almost thought that I almost had sex with her.

So, my first 'middling' weekend has come and gone.
I'm multiple hundreds of dollars richer.
(Not too many multiples).
And my ego has enough strength to wax your car.

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