Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Golden Oppurtunity

Sometimes I see mothers buying hand sanitizer in line at the grocery store.
And I can't help but wonder:
Do any of these women happen to enjoy being pissed on?

Cause piss is full of germs.


imogenlily said...

Isn't piss sterile? Piss is sterile. Unless you have an infection, the pH is such that nothing can live in it. When you have a UTI, urine becomes more basic and stuff starts living in it and you get protein (dead bugs) in your urine.
So just don't let Turpin pee on you.

Turnip said...

Piss is totally sterile.

I think my urine is now free of dead bugs, but may possibly still contain the souls of the damned.

Anonymous said...

Hi Imogen.

On another note, Paul, you are going to teach children.

You are going to put facts into the heads of the youth.

acadiascreech said...

Well, if piss is so sterile, why does she need the hand sanitizer?

TheButlerDunnit said...

Hand sanitizer is why kids are always so fucking sick these days. Their parents won't allow them to be exposed to bacteria.

Little known fact: Some elementary teachers have begun dousing kids with hand sanitizer. My niece needed a note from my sister to explain to the teacher why she would not be part-taking in the pre-lunch alcohol bath.

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