Thursday, July 9, 2009


A text message conversation that I held yesterday.
Presumably with a stranger.
With these new business cards of mine, the possibilities are rather limitless.

Them: I want you
Me: A lot of people do.
Them: I saw you at yuk yuks You are so hot
Me: You must not have been sitting very close.
Them: Sure i was your crazy
Me: Oh, I bet you say that to all the comics.
Them: No no just the cute ones ;)
Me: I'm sweaty.
Them: So...Are you currently seeing anyone?
Me: I see people all of the time, but i'm not having sex with any of them.
Them: Lol really?
Me: Really. No sex. No heavy petting either.

Then they didn't write back.
In the long run it doesn't matter.
Their grammar and punctuation are awful.
Still, it's a nice change from the texts that the b'ys send me about their scrotums and bowel movements.

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