Monday, March 12, 2012

The Baby and the Bath Water

Hi hi.

Alright, well, I'm gonna go again.
No, really though.
Tonight's not the night.
But I know I missed a couple of days this past week.
On the bright side, it's sort of because I've been around other humans.
Including an entire cafe full of people while I was too stoned to be in a new breakfast place.
That was Saturday. 
With the baby divocree.
I'll explain her later.
Friday, I did comedy for a bunch of people who save birds and foxes.
Then I rushed across town to the marina to do a show for some Navy boys.
They claimed they were Navy boys, anyway.
Sort of looked like engineers to me.
And some of them even looked like girls.
I interrupted myself during a bit to tell a woman that she was sexy.
Then I made fun of some grad student university guy in one of my favourite ad-libs ever
(For those keeping track).
Luckily for my narcissism, I taped it.
If Peter can escape that baby of his for a bit, I might get him to help me upload the clip.
I'd just put her in the tub.
You want to make sure the baby doesn't fall over the stairs, you put her in the tub.
She won't be able to get out of there.
I've never actually tried this, but it works for Tarantulas.

I was published in The Coast on Thursday.
That's something new for you to read, and it takes less effort from me.

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