Sunday, November 8, 2009

Breaking Even

I'm nautious.
I went to a pamper party last night.
In some house in the woods.
There was a generator and a hockey game.
I was the newest human by what must have been at least six years.
I played poker and lost.
I played 'Chase the Ace' while stoned and won.
Then I ate onion rings with my father at two in the morning.
And lost again.

Speaking of losing, I'm moving to Harbour Breton.
At least for a little while.
Emotionally speaking, you're all coming with me.
But I can tell you what's not coming with me:
My toothbrush, phone charger, socks and underwear.
Some of those things won't be easy to replace.
Definitly buy my underwear at K-Mart.
Definitly at K-Mart.

Check this out.
(You're welcome).
Actually, you should be thanking Burton.
Turns out he's good for something.

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