Sunday, March 30, 2008

No Easy Solution

I went to something reminiscent of a party this evening past.
Matt Cooke had a birthday.
His father and my father taught in the same school.
Matt Cooke's dad had many children.
I suppose Dad may have had as many children and I just don't know about them...
But I'd like to think otherwise.
It was kinda fun.
It's a group of people that you'll get along fine with as long as you're wearing a stylish hoodie.
Luckily I have a closet full of them.

Scope meeting happened.
That was something.
Alright, now, maybe I'm not supposed to mention this cause of...whatever...journalistic gagging, but I'm doing it anyway.
We're thinking of ideas for what Elling (editor for you newcomers) refers to as 'The Bottom Line.'
This is simply the space that runs along the bottom of the printed page.
It's where my Tragic Hero posts go, by the way.
He wants new items to put there.
And I suddenly have one of the best ideas that I've had in what is likely decades.
I suggest that every issue we put a sudoku down there that doesn't have a solution.
So, not a sudoku at all, really. Just some random numbers in a 3x3 panel.
If not every issue, at least for April Fool's Day (which, by the way, is an occaison that people need to pay more attention to).
And everyone at the meeting commented on how 'mean' that would be.
Come on.
It's a fucking math puzzle that people do on the toilet, and while they wait for the bus.
It's just a trend.
I think the idea is brilliant.
If it was my paper, it'd be there next issue.
Putting up fake solutions in the following issue would be funny, too.
Hopefully they're considering it...

Everyone know by now why The Simpsons are yellow?
Matt Groening thought that if they were colored that way, people at home would think that there was something wrong with the contrast of their televisions.
The general public deserves to be fucked with.

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