Saturday, August 4, 2007

Just 13 more days...

I just applied my first-ever Crest Whitestrips.
It was exactly as frightening as I figured it would be.
Actually, applying them felt like putting on my first condom.
No, seriously.
I'm alone in the bathroom, I'm reading instructions, I'm lining things up; "Does it go this way? No...this way." ..."That doesn't feel right. Maybe it's the other way after all."
They come individually wrapped. You're mindful of tearing as you open them.
It says I can do all sorts of normal activities while I wear these. I can ride a bike and check my stock options and all of that.
All I want to do is take them off.
And I think I put on the bottom one backwards.

edit: I swallowed a lot of that gel stuff.

1 comment:

trac54 said...

I told you that!
I swallowed so much of it.

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