Well, I certainly could have bruised him up a little. But I was driving. And he was old. So it wouldn't have been that impressive.
Not like a barehanded kill. Or one that requires tracking the victim over several miles.
Luckily, Marie yelped a warning of some sort, and I locked onto 'er before I brought up on buddy.
He didn't even notice, as far as we could tell, that he had almost been ploughed by a Buick Sentry in a Sobey's parking lot seconds beforehand.
Marie needed red onion. And I always try to be accomodative to individuals as whacky as myself.
Which she is.
I will admit that I have been somewhat underground for the past few days, and it is due to the fact that I have been experiencing Marie during this time.
It is necessary to use the term 'experiencing' rather than 'meeting' or 'getting to know'.
However, you, the ever-vigilant reader, need not feel excluded, as I intend to report on many of our endeavours together.
You should ask her about monkeys sometime. Never have I seen someone so impassioned.
She listens to Alice in Chains. She is fantastic.
Here is how we met:
I am late. I am walking downtown. I have put a great amount of consideration into my outfit because I am meeting someone new. And she has to like me immediately. This is very important. Her name is Anne Marie Bourgeois. She is Turpin's friend.
She is waiting for me. She looks as she did in the pictures. Her teeth are very very straight, and very white. Like tictacs, her teeth. The white ones.
I order coffee and a piece of cheesecake. I ask her if she wants any of my dessert. It has caramel on it. This is breakfast. It is after 1pm. I assure her that if she says 'no' initially, I will eat the whole thing in front of her.
She says 'no'. She means it. Women often do with me.
Ha ha!
Moving on.
I cannot remember a single thing I said. I just remember that I was 'on'.

She warns me after returning from the bathroom that I should not exert too much force on the staircase banister in Hava Java. I maintain that I will heed her advice.
I still do.
She shows me the contents of her satchel ('things are beginning to heat up' I tell myself), which contains, amongst other things, a cucumber. A man was selling them. She had a smaller one, but it has already been eaten. AM explains that she intends to leave the other, larger cucumber on her friend's pillow, as a gift.

So, right off the bat, I learn that this person is thoughtful. No one ever leaves elongated vegetables on my bed.
Her laugh is boistrous and full. It rolls around within the coffee shop. Feels kinda like a blanket. I describe her laugh to her as she is laughing. Makes her laugh more.
"It kinda has a musical quality to it, your laugh", and so on.
She's a humour repeater. So, I say something funny, and then she laughs with gusto, and repeats back what I have said that is so amusing. I like it when people do this. Sort of gives you a taste of your own material. Maybe gives you a chance to find it funny as well. Though this is not the case on this particular day. I usually find myself quite boring.
We discuss our plans for the following day. She recommends we go to Bell Island. I immediately concur.
We leave. We are traversing the concrete steps between Water and Duckworth (you know, da ones by the courthouse?) and she tells me that I'm 'so cute'.
I proceed to forget what I was talking about.
She likes me immediately.
We part. I go to a bachelor party.
We have a big day ahead of us.
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