Monday, August 6, 2007


I just got back from coffee with Martin. Amanda. Martin's her last name. I've already decided that I'll be calling her by her last name from here on out. She looks like this:

But not all of the time. Sometimes she does not make the fish kissy face. As a matter of fact, for all I know, this is the only instance of her doing the fish kissy face ever. In her existence.
I didn't ask her if I could use this photo. I stole it from Facefuck.
I figured that, since she's a girl, I should try to find the prettiest and most attractive photo of her that I could find. Because this is a public thing, and my HUNDREDS OF FANS will see it. And girls are like that. Then I decided that I don't have the energy to look through over three hundred pictures, and therefore settled on this one. Besides, she doesn't seem to be 'like that'.
Although she was dressed far nicer than I was.
Her dating stories are generally entertaining. She's refreshing to hang out with because I'm not trying to have sex with her. She has various outlooks that I appreciate. She seems punctual. Which is nice.
Gives me something to aspire to.

In other news, I believe I will be seeing The Simspons Movie tonight. I've been told that it is not that bad. I am still nervous. Never before has a television series made me feel so...let down.
In the film The Fly, Jeff Goldblum looks as handsome as he did back then. He and that big adam's apple of his. Climbing into the teleport chamber, as nude as Jeff Goldblum should be.
At the end of the movie, he looks like this. And Geena Davis is very sad about it.
The Simpsons has undergone a similar transition. The series is Jeff Goldblum, or Seth Brundle, if you prefer, and I am Geena Davis.
This film is my last hope.
Now that I think of it, if I was on a crime spree with one of my care-free buddies and I came across Brad Pitt, I'd probably stop and pick him up as well.

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