Friday, September 7, 2007

Back in Business

The first class I am not late for. Military History. I even have time to get coffee.
I have a crush on this professor, for anyone keeping tabs.
I am outside of the classroom door. People are seated inside.
Me: "Are you afraid to go into rooms with groups of people in them, too?"
Random girl in my class: "Actually, I'm just waiting for someone."
Me: "Well, I guess that comment wasn't necessary, was it?"

It is my second day of class. I have eaten two nutrigrain bars and have had as many 12 oz. (too small) cups of coffee.
I have a three and a half hour break before my next class, and a sober desire to not waste gasoline, and so I hit the library to do some on-paper post writing (yes, i try to produce for you, the audience, even while oot and aboot).
I'm sitting across from a first or second year fellow. His sense of style is strong. He looks relatively lax. Actually, now that I think about it, he looks as though he is having as good a day as I am having.
This petite blonde young'en approaches him. I have my headphones on. I am listening to Metric, for those curious. I can tell by her mannerisms that she is in love with this guy.
She leaves.
I get up. I ask the younger fellow if he sees anyone stealing my stuff, if he could please...stop them. I ask people this frequently when in school. I asked a girl in my Canadian History class the same thing the previous morning.
He's on it.
I begin to walk off, but I turn and say, "Oh. And I think she likes you."
I feel immediately good for saying so.
She was totally into him.


Turnip said...

I like this post.
I don't know why.
I like that you said that to that guy.
I like you.
I don't know why.
I think it's your hair.

acadiascreech said...

isn't it strangely uplifting?!
i don't get it either.
by the way, i think we have now speant too much time together.
is that how you spell speant? is it spent? i swear i get stupider each week.
kind of felt like i was in a movie that involved Ethan Embry in some way.

Turnip said...

We've barely spent ANY time together lately.


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