Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Training Day

I've wanted to mention this for a few days now.
Last week. Driving range is done.
I'm appropriately satisfied and sweat-glisteny (even from the driving range, yes).
Peter (edit: Colin) and I walk into Tim Horton's.
I order, and this 15-year old guy starts getting my coffee for me.
As he should be.
His nametag says that he is 'in training.'
I briefly consider asking him how the new job is, but then discard the idea.
Then a second kid, same age, walks by. He's also in training.
So now I have to ask.
"So, how's the new job fellas?"
You had to be there, but the first one, he goes immediately stone-faced, looks me in the eye, and says with a slight shake of his head, "It fuckin' sucks, man."
It's the combination of his age, and the situation. I can tell it's his first job and I can see that it fuckin' sucks.
And the sheer earnesty. The frankness of it.
It was beautiful.
I still laugh every time I think of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Timmy's

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