Friday, September 14, 2007

Then I Learned About The Montreal Peace Treaty of 1701

I thought the following things while waiting for class to start today:
  • Do lesbians appreciate cleavage, too? How does that work? Are they distracted by it like men are? Because they have breasts already. Maybe it's more of a vagina thing for lesbians. Would lesbians have difficulties removing bras? Does the physics dynamic make removal more difficult?
  • Maybe everyone still remembers Napoleon because of the hat.
  • People should have more sex in the morning. Boners are more prevalent in the morning.
  • Track pants are pajamas with a racing stripe.
  • I'd hate to choke to death in a restaurant. Not only am I dead because of a broccoli stem, but I've ruined a potentially lovely dinner for many people. Especially if it is a weekend. And if it's a summer month, quite possibly an anniversary or two.

1 comment:

Turnip said...

Breasts are hot.
So yeah, I think everyone gets distracted by cleavage.

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